It can be difficult to know what to look for in a therapist! There are a lot of different routes to go in choosing a future counselor. You can search websites like psychologytoday or good therapy, you can ask for referral lists from your doctor, church, or psychiatrist office. But where do you go from there? How do you talk to potential therapists and then know if they are right for you? I have a few questions I think might be helpful.
** I did not include logistical questions like What is your fee? Do you take insurance? Where is your office located? These questions are about determining if the therapist is a good fit for you.
What do you think will help me? I think its important to know what the clinician sees as “curative” - what do they believe will help improve whatever you are going through. if they are not able to offer to a straight answer on this, I would probe more. Of course there are no one size fits all therapies! No therapist will be able to give you a specific step by step treatment plan in a phone call but they should be able to give you a general sense of how they would work with your issue.
Do you have experience with people like me/what I’m going through? It very important to know if the clinician has experience with your specific issue. You are a unique person and they might not have experience with the exact details of your situation but have worked generally with what you are struggling with.
What can I expect when I start therapy with you? This question will help you better understand the therapist’s style and personality. Some therapists give “homework” some offer journaling assignments and some just want you to “hold space” for the next session. I think asking yourself “does that fit for me?” is a good next step.
I hope these three questions were helpful in your hunt for a therapist!